
Hurricane Preparedness

Many seasoned Florida residents don’t bat an eye when we hear about a hurricane heading in our direction. Let’s hope that’s because they are already so prepared they have nothing to worry about. During these storms is not the time to be the “tough guy” – remember, we are no match for mother nature. This post is to help make sure you, your family and home are prepared and safe before, during and after the storm.

National Hurricane Center – Monitor the storm and get important updates. 

Ready.gov – explains what actions to take when you receive a hurricane watch or warning alert from the National Weather Service for your local area.

FEMA Emergency Supply List – All Americans should have some basicsupplies on hand in order to survive for atleast three days if an emergency occurs..

FEMA Family Emergency Plan – Communication networks, such as mobile phones and computers, could be unreliable during disasters, and electricitycould be disrupted. Several plan variations.

Hurricane Fact Sheet for Kids – This information sheet helps kids learn more about hurricanes. Education is key!

Utility Shut-off & Safety – Natural gas, water and electric shut-off.

Schools – I often find monitoring social media gets me the quickest information. Here’s the social media for the local school boards. Get updates regarding school closings or early dismissals.

Pasco County Schools Twitter

Pasco County Schools Facebook

Pinellas County Schools Twitter

Pinellas County Schools Facebook

Hernando County Schools Twitter

Hernando County Schools Facebook

Hillsborough County Schools Twitter

Hillsborough County Schools Facebook

Remember, be safe and lend a helping hand to someone if you can.

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