It’s a new year, so time to start thinking about property taxes and your homestead tax exemption. If you bought a home last year or have never filed for your homestead tax exemption, the deadline to file is approaching.
If you lived in your home by January 1st, you can apply for a homestead tax exemption. The home must be your primary residence (ie, you can’t claim multiple homestead tax exemptions for multiple properties), but as long as you live in the home on that date, you can file to receive this break on your property tax.
Failure to file on time for the Homestead Exemption will disqualify you for the exemption for this tax year.
What is Homestead Exemption?
A Constitutional benefit of up to $50,000, available to bona fide Florida residents who live in, and claim a residence as their permanent and primary home on January 1, and file an application with the Property Appraiser’s Office prior to March 1. It exempts the first $25,000 and applies to the Assessed Value of all taxing levies. The second $25,000 applies to the Assessed Value beginning at $50,000 up to $75,000, of all taxing levies with the exception of the School District.
The exemption amount is incremental, depending on the Assessed Value of the property.
- If your Homestead property has an Assessed Value of up to $50,000, you will keep the current exemption of $25,000.
- If your Homestead property has an Assessed Value of $50,001 through $74,999, the additional homestead exemption will increase up to $24,999.
- If your Homestead property has an Assessed Value of $75,000 or more, you will receive the full additional $25,000 Homestead Exemption.
The additional exemption applies to all taxing levies with the exception of the School District.
Where to File
All 4 of our immediate counties allow you to file for your Homestead exemption online. You can also visit any of their locations to file. Click below on the county you reside in to file for your exemption.